Grief Counseling for Young Adults

Grief Counseling for Young Adults

Losing a parent as a young adult is a profoundly challenging experience. Navigating the complex emotions of grief while balancing the demands of daily life can feel overwhelming and isolating. Add in the societal expectation that parents are expected to be present at major milestones such as graduations and weddings, and someone can feel truly alone and misunderstood. At Sugar Maple Counseling, I specialize in supporting young adults who have lost a parent, providing a compassionate and understanding environment to help you heal.

My Approach

My approach to grief therapy is tailored to the unique needs of young adults. I understand that your grief journey is personal, and I am here to walk alongside you, offering support and tools to cope with your loss. My therapeutic methods are designed to help you process your emotions, find meaning, and build resilience during this difficult time.

Millennials in Mourning Support Group

In addition to one-to-one grief therapy, I founded Millennials in Mourning, a unique and popular virtual support group specifically for young adults who have lost a parent available to anyone throughout New York State. This group offers a safe space to connect with others who understand your experience, share your feelings, and receive mutual support. Millennials in Mourning has become a vital community for many, providing a sense of belonging and understanding during a time when it can feel like no one else gets what you're going through. Unlike other parent loss support groups for adults at any age, Millennials in Mourning takes it a step further by focusing on the challenges faced by this age bracket as a result of parent loss, too.

My Personal Journey

Grief is a deeply personal subject for me. I lost both of my parents as a young adult, and this experience has profoundly shaped my approach to therapy. It has fueled my passion for supporting others who are navigating their own grief journeys and inspired me to create resources and support systems specifically for young adults facing similar losses. This personal connection allows me to empathize deeply with my clients and provide meaningful, compassionate care.

How I Can Help

  • Individual Counseling: One-on-one sessions tailored to your personal grief journey, providing a safe space to express your emotions and develop coping strategies.
  • Group Therapy: Join Millennials in Mourning to connect with peers, share experiences, and find comfort in a supportive community.
  • Workshops and Resources: Access workshops and resources designed to help you understand and manage your grief, promoting healing and resilience.

You don't have to navigate your grief alone. Whether through individual therapy or joining my supportive group, I am here to help you find your way through this difficult time. Reach out today to begin your healing journey.


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