About Me

valerie smith

Hey there. I’m Valerie Smith, a licensed clinical social worker and certified forest therapy guide in New York.

I could detail my theoretical approaches, impressive training, past experiences, and throw in some clinical jargon and acronyms. However, none of this means much when people are looking for help. It is the relationship with the therapist above all that matters most – and a means to finally have some relief from psychological pain.

If you’re interested in knowing more about my education and certifications, scroll to the bottom. But for now, let's focus on me as a person. The most crucial aspect of finding a therapist isn't just about their certifications, although expertise is important. Effective therapy starts with a genuine connection, mutual understanding, and feeling comfortable. Therapy works best when you feel truly heard and can trust the person helping you navigate through your challenges. If your therapist doesn't feel safe or kindhearted to you, even the most extensive qualifications won't matter.

That said, here's a bit about my approach beyond my education and certifications: If you prefer a therapist who quietly takes notes and says a lot of “uh-huhs”, I am not the right person for you. However, if you're looking for someone who offers active listening and a genuine respect, but is also willing to challenge you rather than only validate, I may be the therapist you seek.

I firmly believe you are the master and expert of your life, and my role is to provide thoughtful support and guidance. I welcome feedback, especially if something doesn't feel right or if there are ways to make therapy more effective for you. My clinical license doesn't make my perspective more important than yours in our work together.

As a telehealth therapist and a parent myself, I fully understand that caring for pets, infants, and toddlers is an ongoing responsibility, and even with careful planning you may still be interrupted. Finding complete privacy can be tough, so please don't feel embarrassed if you need to attend to your baby or pet during our session. If you're breastfeeding, feel free to nurse or pump as needed. If your dog needs to go outside, that's perfectly fine. And if your cat gets into some mischief, I understand — that's just how cats are. I only ask that children aged 3 and older, or other adults, are not present unless it’s a family session.

Finally, therapy is a space where you can openly express the deep concerns and emotions that burden you. By sharing these challenges together, we can start to manage and overcome them. If these topics aren't your main focus, that’s okay. If they are, you can discuss them with me in a secure and supportive environment. I hope that clarifies my therapeutic style to you!


Licensed Clinical Social Worker (New York #097242)
Certified Forest Therapy Guide (Association of Nature and Forest Therapy)
EMDR Certification (THRIVE Consultations, recognized by EMDRIA)


Fordham University (summa cum laude) - Master of Social Work - 2020
Adelphi University (summa cum laude) - Bachelor of Social Work - 2016
Association of Nature and Forest Therapy - 2023

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